Radian Barite

Item number: MIN0355

Price: EUR 120.00 

  Bigger tabular, honey-yellow brown slightly translucent  with deposition of matte Radian Barite crystals up to 3,7 cm grown densely on the Quartz-porphyry (Paleoignimbrite) matrix. Places with breaks after cleavage and crystals with damages showing high lustrous faces.  Due to comparatively short decay of Radium (226Ra half-life = 1600 years) the specimen indicates a minor radioactivity.  At background of 0,093µSv/h the α+β+γ radiation shows 0,351 µSv/h. 

Size 130x115x55 mm
Crystal size (max.) 37 mm
Weight 1187 g
Locality Lahošť (Jeníkov), Duchcov, Ústí Region, Czech Republic