Frequently asked questions
- Company details
- Why you can trust in us
- Is there a retail store?
- When will I receive confirmation and payment details?
- Why do prices vary in EU countries depending on the destination country?
- Is shipping possible to my country?
- Are different invoice and shipping addresses possible?
- How long does the delivery take?
- Who is the supplier?
- How much are the shipping costs?
- How do I pay?
- May I pay in Dollars or any other currency?
- May I return goods?
- What to do with damaged items?
- Note on the German battery act
- Data policy
- Company details
- Why you can trust in TOP GEO
- Our company is registered and located in Satteldorf, Germany. You may check the official commercial register on (available in several languages). Use "Normal search". Type of Register: "HRB", Register number: "671194", Register court: "Ulm". Click on "find". Entity data ("UT") is free of charge. As you see, we have already been on the market for some years. Detailed information in this register is available for a small fee.
- You may further validate our VAT (tax) number on, select member state "Germany" and type VAT number "DE 147815490".
- Finally, you could check, that the domain is really ours r.g. on
- We don't hide behind a cryptic post box address. You are invited to visit us in our show rooms in Satteldorf (not far from Frankfurt)!.
- We have expertise. Our company's head Petr Zajicek is in the Moldavite business for decades and holds a PhD in geology.
- You pass credit card data directly to Paypal, we just get the money through their system. So ordering on our website is safe, because you only type in your shipping address.
- TOP GEO retail store
- Order confirmation email
- Taxes / indivudal prices for EU countries
- Delivery destinations
- Different invoice and shipping addresses
- Delivery time
- Delivery service
- Shipping costs Shipping costs depend on destination, size, weight and value.
- >up to 2kg: €17.99
- up to 5kg: €19.99
- up to 10kg: €24.99
- up to 20kg: €34.99
- up to 30kg: €48.99
- >up to 0.5kg: €19.99
- up to 1kg: €25.99
- up to 2kg: €34.99
- Payment options
- Currency
- Returnment policy
- Damage
- Note on the German Battery Act – BattG
- Pb = battery contains more than 0.004% (mass percentage) of lead
- Cd = battery contains more than 0.002% (mass percentage) of cadmium
- Hg = battery contains more than 0.0005% (mass percentage) of mercury
- Data policy
TOP GEO Mineralienhandel GmbH
President: Dr. Petr Zajicek
Gersbach 10
74589 Satteldorf
Phone: +49 7950 1345
Commercial register: HRB 671194 Amtsgericht Ulm
VAT-Id: DE147815490
We understand that some new customers might have worries to order on a foreign website. Let's try to give you a better feeling :-)
You're welcome to visit our show room in Satteldorf, Germany. We're located between Stuttgart and Nuremberg, close to the famous medieval town Rothenburg/Tauber, only few minutes to the highway crossing A6/A7. Several hundreds square meters full of minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry and geo tools wait to be discovered. Please contact us before your visit as we have flexible opening hours.
Usually we send the confirmation email containing payment details within one day. Each order is manually checked before confirmation.
Sometimes we receive shopping carts with incorrect email address and rarely spam filters catch our emails. If you did not receive our confirmation please give us a short notice to
The EU VAT reform has been in force since 1 July 2021. Essentially, this means for us that for customers of other EU countries, the German VAT rate is no longer uniformly relevant, but the VAT rate of the recipient country is individually relevant. The net prices are the same for all countries, including non-EU countries. By default, the gross price for Germany is displayed on the German and English language pages, and for the Czech Republic on the Czech language pages. The country setting can be changed in the shopping basket so that the prices are then calculated with the corresponding tax rate.
Generally we deliver to all countries worldwide. If this is impossible in particular cases we'll let you know after receiving your shopping cart.
The invoice address may deviate from the shipping address, please use the comment field in the shopping cart.
Important for Paypal payments: The Paypal shipping address has to be the same as given in our shopping cart.
Items on stock are typically sent within 5 work days after we have received your payment into our Paypal or German bank account. If in some cases we need longer, we'll inform you per E-Mail.
To get an impression about transit times, have a look in DHL country information
For most parcels our logistic partner is Deutsche Post / DHL. Thus, in your country the local post will deliver (for example U.S. postal service). In Europe, GLS is an alternative (decided by us, depending on chracteristics of the parcel).
FedEx is possible upon request at additional costs.
European Community - DHL delivery
All prices are net plus VAT.
For Finland and Sweden, additionally EUR 4,30 are charged for home delivery.
Prices are subject to change without notice
If length, width and depth of the box are in total smaller than 90 cm and no side is longer than 60 cm, and additionally value of goods is less than 20€ following table applies. Otherwise shipping costs are based on prices for DHL shipments.
All prices are net.
prices are subject to change without notice
We accept payments in advance to our bank account (potential charges to customer's expense) or via Paypal.
Please note:
To non-European customers we recommend Paypal - but be sure to pay net in full, we do not accept any potential charges and Paypal fee´s even on our side.
Credit cards are possible only connected to Paypal.
You can choose to indicate prices in USD, the conversion rate behind might be outdated. Please always pay in EURO (what is possible in Paypal), Paypal will charge you with the actual rate.
Consumers (according to §13 BGB) may return goods within 14 days after receiving. If you like to return please contact us BEFORE!
For returns from outside the European Union shipping costs in both directions will NOT be refunded.
For obvious damages of the closed parcel please complain directly to the supplier. In other cases please take adequate photos and contact us with a detailed description.
With respect to the sale of batteries / accumulators or of devices containing batteries / accumulators, the German Battery Act requires TOP GEO Mineralienhandel GmbH to advise you of the following:
Pursuant to this law, end users are obliged to return used batteries. Batteries may be returned free of charge to the seller or to specific collection points (e.g. municipal recycling centres or retailers) after use. You also may return used batteries to the seller by stamped mail; the seller will refund the postal charges to you.
The symbols on batteries have the following meanings: The crossed-out waste bin means that this battery must not be thrown into the household waste:
Find our data policy on a seperate page