
The mineral was on display, by Hanks, at the 1884 World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, labelled as thenardite but noted by Hidden to be something different. Named by William Earl Hidden in 1885 in honor of Henry Garber Hanks for service as first state mineralogist of California. (Source: mindat.org)

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Searles Lake, San Bernardino Co., California, USA

Item-No.: MIN0405

Price: 175.00 EUR

Classification:  Sulfates
Chemical formula:  Na22K(SO4)9(CO3)2Cl
Crystal system:  Hexagonal
Density (g/cm3):  2.562 measured, 2.585 calculated
Tenacity:  Brittle
Cleavage:  Distinct, good
Fracture:  Irregular, uneven
Hardness (Mohs):  3 - 3.5
Colour: Colourless to grey, yellow or almost black; colourless in transmitted light
Lustre:  Vitreous, dull
Streak:  White
Fluorescence:  Pale yellow under LW UV
Transparency:  Transparent, translucent
Type locality:  Searles Lake, San Bernardino Co., California, USA